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Where Art & Music Connect: Wassily Kandinsky

Composition 8, Wassily Kandinsky, 1923
Composition 8, Wassily Kandinsky, 1923

"Composition VIII" is a rhythmic painting, written at the time when Kandinsky was experimenting a lot with color & form. It is a result of his passion & and his knowledge of the 2 subjects, acquired in Russia & Germany (where he lived at the time). In the-above painting, Circle is used as a symbol of a perfect form; contrasting with different shapes & colors.

"A form, even if completely abstract... has its own internal sound", he wrote.

Kandinsky's purpose was Formulation of the Abstract language; causing strong Emotions in the viewer, in many respects in the same way as it is done by Music.

Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian painter, credited with painting one of the first recognized purely abstract works.

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Read More:

  • About friendship of Paul Klee & Wassily Kandinsky

  • Artmarqt on VK, a public where Kirasha writes about Art & Music (RUS)

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